Hi guys,
That is gender neutral of course. Though I would just give thoughts casually, I will be writing things about the evil Queensland Government next week. Also I have changes happening for the new year to make my scrappy little blogs and YouTube things a little more focused.
I started writing when health concerns meant I was unable to work, and as I recover I have to start thinking about actually getting some kind of job, or making a more professional and focussed attempt at writing or providing a service to people who may need my set of social science skills for themselves or for their kids.
I am thinking something like resources that help people get a broader perspective on what is being taught in schools, what filters through the media and the messages we get through other forms of ideological training, like in the workplace. The kind of skills and concepts that are needed to change critical pedagogy into true critical thinking are not that hard to teach. Once the curtain is pulled you can’t unsee the wizard.
So if anyone has any ideas about where my skills are useful in a dissident movement, please let me know. I face the usual problems of being a massive terf and completely unemployable in the government and corporate sector. Not that bothers me, as I would sooner eat grass off the street than work for a government department right now.
So the Queensland government have erased women and are calling for submissions, on their appalling legislation. I haven’t written mine yet but will put it here when it is done. You can read the legislation here, and before midday on the 11th of January 2023 you can make a submission to the Inquiry into the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 2022.
I can’t explain the effect the passing of this legislation and the surrounding issues have had on me. The effectiveness of the silencing has shocked me to the core. The effectiveness of systems of government control continue to shock me to a surprising level. If I was a conspiracy theorist it would delight me, but the fact that I am so sad about this confirms that I never really believed that a tyrannous movement would take over my own government in my lifetime.
The accusations of conspiracy theory are so interesting here. They are part of the gaslighting we we receive. “No men are ever going to be raping women in prison and if they do, women rape each other anyway and it doesn’t matter if women get pregnant because men get pregnant too, so women don’t need special protections”.
I think I got sucked into twitter to see people making these arguments. I couldn’t believe they were being made, and they were 100% consistent with the ideology that governments have imbedded in themselves to justify a moral framework that bypasses public accountability. The way they changed the definition of sex in law in Queensland without a sniff of accountability has changed me fundamentally in my focus.
This week I wrote in the Specky about Lesbians in Tasmania again. It’s not that lesbians and gays are my special interest, I write about this because its where the human rights conflict is hitting first. Although I have met some wonderful gays and lesbian people on this journey and they have been very nice in helping me connect with activists networks where I have learned about this one way street to 1984.
Its funny isn’t it since 1948 when 1984 was written we have done nothing but talk about the potential of surveillance technology in the hands of a government that is not accountable to the people, in 2022 we are conspiracy theorists to suggest the government should be treated with any suspicion at all unless it has a conservative leader.
Anyway these are my thoughts. Get back to me on what services you think Australia needs that a dissent, cranky humanities degree graduate could provide.
Hi Edie, I’m sure you probably know this, but Sex Matters writes handbooks on gender identity ideology and the media etc. The Coalition for biological reality or Women’s Forum Aust or other groups may be interested in producing this sort of guidance for the media or education sectors in Australia.
Certainly wish you well in your endeavors. As Margaret Mead put it, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
But more apropos of your "erased women and are calling for submissions", you might find some interest and value in my submission to Canada's Statistics Department in response to their call for "consultation on gender and sexual diversity statistical metadata standards":
Talk about "capture" by transgender ideology; hard to believe that such a pile of unscientific if not anti-scientific claptrap could find any audience much less support in an ostensibly scientific organization of government.
I'd written a short Substack post on the rot that transgenderism has wrought -- so to speak -- in Canada's Statistics Department as well as in those of Britain and New Zealand. But you might have particular interest in New Zealand's given their definition of "lesbian" as "A woman who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex or gender", the latter term apparently encompassing those sporting penises: