What a nerve transactivists have to say that you were weaponising your trauma, when they themselves have progressed trangenderism by thrashing the 'most marginalised and vulnerable' description about 'trans' people over and over and over and over again, until they just about own it. They have transmaidens and transbros repeating it like broken records. Barely anything is said about 'trans' people by those in government and the public service without accompanying it with the 'most marginalised and vulnerable' trope, almost without fail. They have weaponised pity to get what they want, they have wrung it out of everyone they possibly can a hundred times over, and they have the gall to accuse you of weaponising your trauma!

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Wow, those were wonderfully humane, clearly thought out and well argued observations and conclusions in discussing such a highly charged issue. A really well written piece. Thank you.

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Spot on, Edie.

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I am very concerned for the safety of disabled women who need assistance with personal care. Old stats indicate Australian women with a disability have a 90% chance of being assaulted.

I have no doubt that percentage is now higher.

Your cousin was lucky to have you, and vice versa xx

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Thank you for very helpful and clear account, really good to read.

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I've sought an answer for a long time as to why the supposed "good guys" of politics, the soc-jus advancing ones are so consistently acting against the actual interests of the majority population. I disagree with your frustrated assertion the "progressive middle class in Australia are really stupid and abusive" - and drew a different theory to explain this behaviour: the splitting of political costs and benefits into a "benefits for me, costs for thee" dichotomy.

Wherever you look in the culture war this pattern repeats itself: the prog-elites receive the kudos of being "right thinking" about gender ideology, working and underclass women get locked up with men in jails. Same with youth crime, the prog-elites act high-minded and noble about concern for troubled youth welfare; average people receive the victimisation by those youth. Any complaints result in shaming - the example Edie provides about shaming women who are concerned for their welfare by false-branding racism fits perfectly into the dynamic.

This formula is an exact analogy of the "privatise profits/socialise losses" the left has been (in this case accurately) complaining about for aeons. Looks like they decided to jump onboard a winning formula, but are playing it out in the cultural/social sphere rather than the economic one. This is a continuation of the class war, just moving away from merely economic battleground into the socio-cultural.

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God you're good Miss Edie!

What a brilliant insightful piece!

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Women have their own side--damn straight they do!

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JD Vance believes that rape should be a pathway to fatherhood. His belief is monstrous and is only a pathway to violence against women.

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I don’t know what you are talking about Dave and I don’t have enough interest to look it up.

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Edie: Vance believes that women who become pregnant as a result of being raped should be forced to bear the rapist’s child. Thus rape becomes a pathway to fatherhood. Nice guy.

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Alright Dave

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Well said.

We need to be able to talk about our experiences and concerns. Forbidding the discussion of cultural influence doesn’t prevent it being a valid concern.

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