I am not willing to debate the fundamentals of language. Those who go down that road will get themselves bogged down and will eventually end up grunting at each other. The "pronoun" claptrap, like the population of deluded males and their handmaidens, is nothing more than a worship of male entitlement and misogyny. I have a relative who plays that postmodern garbage and it's impossible most of the time to have a conversation when the language is Jello. I also won't debate anyone who starts screeching names at me when I don't agree with some point. Life is way too short to be dragged down in the mud. I don't care if misogyny is from men or women, gay or straight. I can disagree with other women about many things but still agree to hold the line on language, sex-based rights (and sex choice rights) and the protection of childhood. Unlike men, we're supposed to be a hive mind and responsible for any utterance by another in the hive. I pointed this out to a male commenter, and I think he lost his lunch, screeching at me about his victimhood. I told him I too often read news articles about a female who screwed up and it's often followed with "She makes women look bad." Same for blacks (male or female). But I never see "He makes men look bad," since men are only responsible for their own choices and behavior. But women are supposed to constantly police each other, less every one of us get tarred by another woman. No woman can make ME look bad with her behavior. If a so-called journalist can't or refuses to use correct language in a public setting, such as an interview, I have no need to listen or read, or I'll lose brain cells. Pluckrose is a smart woman with her own handmaiden leanings for men in general, like those women who one will hear say "I prefer working with men because they are easier to work with." I responded to one, raising my eyebrows in alarm and asked her why she was so hard to work with. She looked confused until I said, "You just said women are hard to work with and you're a woman." Her ensuing garbled, defensive response was amazing. I believe the handmaiden behavior is a survival technique practiced over thousands of years. After all, other women weren't able to physically protect each other. But society is evolving and those of us non-handmaidens are at the forefront of leaving the caves. You've found it's tough to lead but I don't see you wavering.
We're coping it from all sides and the tactics and players are largely the same.
- Don't engage with the central issue we're raising.
- Escalate the name calling. Making up new and exciting sexist epithets for mouthy women is fun!
- Mischaracterise our arguments.
- Conjure up an unforgivable crime we've committed and focus your energy on proving our 'guilt'.
- Perform your devestation at being the victim of said crime with histrionics and great dramatic effect.
- Backslap liberally.
- Keep up the abuse! Above all - keep up the abuse!
It doesn't make sense to us because it's senseless.
Meantime I'll continue on my merry Vile ulTRA Terf Prick Dickhead (and all the rest) way and continue to resist the pressure to compromise the reality of women for the sake of men who pretend to be women.
Their tactics aren't working.
And I'd much rather be resolute with you and all the other women with backbones of steel.
GC feminism isn't "riddled with homophobes"...far from it. It's the people on the other side of the issue who've been transing away the gay, and telling lesbians they need to accept male-bodied people into their dating pool if those men call themselves women. The whole cotton ceiling thing should have raised alarms the first time the phrase was ever used. And gay men are being pressured to date women who've had their breasts removed and think they're demiboys or whatever they call themselves. Gender critical feminism embraces homosexuality (and heterosexuality!) because it knows your personality isn't what makes you a man or a woman - it's your body, and no matter what you do to that body, you will always be the sex you were born as.
So glad I went to the Women’s Forum drinks- met some fantastic people from all political persuasions/ ages/ professions. Boggled about ridiculous things friends have cancelled us for. Laughed about men spanking off in tutus etc. Renewed commitment to women’s rights and children’s safety (all better now).
Sorry for your hurt Edie. It’s so frustrating and hurtful, when friends who you thought were smart and kind turn out to be stupid and mean. They have no idea how much you’ve been steeling yourself to tolerate their mad views, all the while they’ve been patronising you and rolllubg their eyes at mutual friends behind your back. I refuse to let this stupid, corrosive ideology kill old friendships, but I am finding I’ve kind of retreated from social life a bit, at least for now. I’m throwing myself into building a community native garden, and I have a lot of other passions and interests too that sustain me. Plus people like yourself and Kit Kowalski and all the other great sheilas I’ve found online - sone of you even met in person! I hope I’ll see some of you at the WF Christmas drinks on Wednesday in Sydney- I’m in the middle of colouring my hair purple as I write. Xxxx.
I'm alright, the guy was a bit emotional for me anyway, I don't like dramatic friendships of bust ups and re-unions. I am a very stable person. I don't live in Sydney, although that does sound fun. Enjoy your garden.
The simple word you look for is perhaps “delusion.”
Delusion is a persistent false belief which indicates the inability to accept objective reality even when presented with facts or reason.
It is inability, not unwillingness.
People with sex delusions about themselves have a spectrum of persistent false beliefs, including variously that:
1. Their sex is identified incorrectly
2. Their body is the opposite sex
3. The opposite sex doesn’t actually exist
4. They are possessed by a mind with a different sex
5. Their genitals are foreign to their sex
6. Their genitals appear as those of the opposite sex
7. Their genitals function as those of the opposite sex
8. They can change sex, at will, by belief or statement
And as with delusion:
9. Not affirming their delusion is persecution
10. Presenting facts or reason is life-threatening
11. Violence is justifiable to resist facts and reason
12. Physical reality yields to belief, statement, or will
I am not willing to debate the fundamentals of language. Those who go down that road will get themselves bogged down and will eventually end up grunting at each other. The "pronoun" claptrap, like the population of deluded males and their handmaidens, is nothing more than a worship of male entitlement and misogyny. I have a relative who plays that postmodern garbage and it's impossible most of the time to have a conversation when the language is Jello. I also won't debate anyone who starts screeching names at me when I don't agree with some point. Life is way too short to be dragged down in the mud. I don't care if misogyny is from men or women, gay or straight. I can disagree with other women about many things but still agree to hold the line on language, sex-based rights (and sex choice rights) and the protection of childhood. Unlike men, we're supposed to be a hive mind and responsible for any utterance by another in the hive. I pointed this out to a male commenter, and I think he lost his lunch, screeching at me about his victimhood. I told him I too often read news articles about a female who screwed up and it's often followed with "She makes women look bad." Same for blacks (male or female). But I never see "He makes men look bad," since men are only responsible for their own choices and behavior. But women are supposed to constantly police each other, less every one of us get tarred by another woman. No woman can make ME look bad with her behavior. If a so-called journalist can't or refuses to use correct language in a public setting, such as an interview, I have no need to listen or read, or I'll lose brain cells. Pluckrose is a smart woman with her own handmaiden leanings for men in general, like those women who one will hear say "I prefer working with men because they are easier to work with." I responded to one, raising my eyebrows in alarm and asked her why she was so hard to work with. She looked confused until I said, "You just said women are hard to work with and you're a woman." Her ensuing garbled, defensive response was amazing. I believe the handmaiden behavior is a survival technique practiced over thousands of years. After all, other women weren't able to physically protect each other. But society is evolving and those of us non-handmaidens are at the forefront of leaving the caves. You've found it's tough to lead but I don't see you wavering.
We're coping it from all sides and the tactics and players are largely the same.
- Don't engage with the central issue we're raising.
- Escalate the name calling. Making up new and exciting sexist epithets for mouthy women is fun!
- Mischaracterise our arguments.
- Conjure up an unforgivable crime we've committed and focus your energy on proving our 'guilt'.
- Perform your devestation at being the victim of said crime with histrionics and great dramatic effect.
- Backslap liberally.
- Keep up the abuse! Above all - keep up the abuse!
It doesn't make sense to us because it's senseless.
Meantime I'll continue on my merry Vile ulTRA Terf Prick Dickhead (and all the rest) way and continue to resist the pressure to compromise the reality of women for the sake of men who pretend to be women.
Their tactics aren't working.
And I'd much rather be resolute with you and all the other women with backbones of steel.
We've got this.
And they know it.
GC feminism isn't "riddled with homophobes"...far from it. It's the people on the other side of the issue who've been transing away the gay, and telling lesbians they need to accept male-bodied people into their dating pool if those men call themselves women. The whole cotton ceiling thing should have raised alarms the first time the phrase was ever used. And gay men are being pressured to date women who've had their breasts removed and think they're demiboys or whatever they call themselves. Gender critical feminism embraces homosexuality (and heterosexuality!) because it knows your personality isn't what makes you a man or a woman - it's your body, and no matter what you do to that body, you will always be the sex you were born as.
So glad I went to the Women’s Forum drinks- met some fantastic people from all political persuasions/ ages/ professions. Boggled about ridiculous things friends have cancelled us for. Laughed about men spanking off in tutus etc. Renewed commitment to women’s rights and children’s safety (all better now).
Sorry for your hurt Edie. It’s so frustrating and hurtful, when friends who you thought were smart and kind turn out to be stupid and mean. They have no idea how much you’ve been steeling yourself to tolerate their mad views, all the while they’ve been patronising you and rolllubg their eyes at mutual friends behind your back. I refuse to let this stupid, corrosive ideology kill old friendships, but I am finding I’ve kind of retreated from social life a bit, at least for now. I’m throwing myself into building a community native garden, and I have a lot of other passions and interests too that sustain me. Plus people like yourself and Kit Kowalski and all the other great sheilas I’ve found online - sone of you even met in person! I hope I’ll see some of you at the WF Christmas drinks on Wednesday in Sydney- I’m in the middle of colouring my hair purple as I write. Xxxx.
I'm alright, the guy was a bit emotional for me anyway, I don't like dramatic friendships of bust ups and re-unions. I am a very stable person. I don't live in Sydney, although that does sound fun. Enjoy your garden.
The coveted TERF of the week award this week goes to these 2.