The Prime minister of Australia has masterly avoided a question that he will be forced to clarify shortly, and it can only be answered in one way. Anthony Albanese was asked by Piers Morgan the question that has plagued so many leaders, “what is a woman?” To think our PM hasn’t taken advice on this is naïve, he answered “adult female”.
You will notice the omission of the “human”, making the Albanese definition different from the dictionary definition of “woman”. The PM’s words are telling, because humanity is exactly what gender identity ideology removes from women.
The ideology that we call gender identity ideology, is based in an approximation of some women’s studies concepts, that have been funded by taxpayers and other capital interests to grow over the last 30 years in line with international human rights objectives that focus on “gender”.
Gender was the word we once used in humanities for the societal roles and meanings that cultures give to sex. Gender identity ideology grew, in part, from the feminist observation that human cultural systems generate meanings that women are expected to adopt, meanings that don’t always match the reality of living in a female body and limit our life chances and access to resources.
Gender, as a type of legal characteristic, and a target of governmental equity goals, has given governments the ability to provide solutions to problems that barely exist in populations, solution that include tangible limitations on the liberty of every citizen who is bound by biological sex. This sounds hyperbolic, but with the entry of “corporate” citizenship, corporatized government , and equity organisations into policy making and political discourse, legal entities are getting a say on human sex definitions when they are in no way bound by the realities of human sex. The kind of sex that has been defined in government is a lot different to the sex that humans are bound by in our bodies.
Modern objectives of “gender equity” in the crudest of terms, claim to bring equity by erasing the connection between “gender” (the cultural meaning that societies give to the two sexes) from the bodies that gender meanings seek to control.
In equity, the ultimate solution to the problem of male violence against women must be addressed with a seminar, a course, or a re-learning, because the doctrine at the base of gender theories, is that gender (the culture of sex) is the dominant force in the disparities between the sexes.
Physical differences between men and women, boundaries keeping men from women, ways of talking about the vulnerability of female bodies, disappear, as governments are handed ways to talk about problems that are systemic to the human condition with no way of addressing them in any way that is effective.
“gender” in the hands of the bureaucracy, allows women to be spoken about in ways that are essentially ethereal. The patriarchy becomes a devil constructed entirely of the things government don’t want you to do or say. Toxic masculinity becomes solely responsible for the “inequity”, that is seen to be the root of all male violence.
This is why male people who take on the legal sex of female are deemed incapable of male pattern violence, there is no way for the realities of human sex to be recognised in a government that adopts gender identity ideology. Male pattern violence simply can’t exist legally in legal female entities, what is worse, the dominant left ideology is that it shouldn’t be seen to exist.
Female has become a legal and a government defined category. Sex is being completely written out of law and policy as a protected characteristic, to be replaced by not just gender, but “sex descriptors”.
In newly introduced Queensland legislation, birth certificates replace biological sex with “sex descriptors”, of which “female” is included as a birth or self-identity category, with no categorical difference being allowed within the sex descriptor of female. Indeed making a distinction between females who are born female and those who declare female is becoming criminalised.
Significantly, not all sex descriptors are allowed. The government registrar, who used to observe and record sex, now decrees what sex is. The explanatory notes of the Queensland bill explains that “the registrar will engage with LGBTIQA+ stakeholders to inform an awareness of sex descriptors”. Therefore, what a woman is, will be officially moulded by legal entities that claim to represent gay, lesbian, transgender, non-binary and gender flux people people, entities that expressly deny the validity of human sex.
Government funded queer theory centred legal entities have redefined women throughout our nation, unsurprisingly, without any reference to the bodily reality of female people, the needs of female people in society, or the societal use of female people in the single sex safeguarding of children.
The makers of gender identity nonsense, gender equity nonsense and all the nonsense ideologies, are paid by the government for a service. The service equity ideologies provide are statistics that are not real, words that are removed of meaning and elite morals that justify the removal of government’s accountability to the people. Gender identity ideology is a technology for governments to talk about problems they can’t fix, with language that makes sex based problems impossible to target.
The only way we are going to fix this issue is to make this suite of policies that include males in women’s sports and spaces, impossible to implement. We need to give new and exciting meaning to the phrase “difficult women”.
Old fashioned feminist campaigning, the stuff that Albo said he is “not a fan of”, is the cornerstone of women’s rights. Kellie-Jay Keen will say she is not a feminist, and many trans identifying men say they are, but for me feminism is the political action for the rights of women and girls, and from my perspective feminism is the only useful pursuit for me currently.
Kirralee Smith of the organisation Binary has been a difficult woman recently regarding the inclusion of male players in women’s soccer leagues in NSW. The Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion guidelines that are used by sporting bodies in Australian were issued in 2019 by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). The guidelines were written by “three peak organisations (representing a total of 12 constituents). All contributors to the guidelines are members of ACON’s Pride in Sport scheme”. The AHRC is itself a founding member of ACON’s Australian Workplace Equality Index, a scheme that has come under sharp criticism, even by ABC’s own Media Watch.
Binary, was reported in feminist publication Reduxx, to have “organized a complaint-writing campaign to Football NSW, which reportedly received over 12,000 submissions”. Kirralie Smith told me that the campaign to lobby sporting bodies in Australia was motivated by people who had contacted Binary with concerns including “officials, coaches, parents and concerned citizens.”
The Reduxx article was removed from twitter for Australian users on request of the eSaftey commissioner. The eSaftey commissioner then had Kirralie Smith’s Facebook page with 47,000 followers deleted.
The Binary campaign was labelled by the ABC as “harassment”. The ABC reported that “anti-trans rights campaigner allegedly targeted a number of women footballers across New South Wales in recent months, including publishing private information online without their consent”. This is a rigorous bending of the truth by the ACON prize winners here.
The alleged player who had been “victimised” by the Binary campaign was photographed by the media and is easily recognisable by many feminists who are active in the gender debate. The player was a public spokesperson for the website “Everyday Feminism” and in an open public debate on YouTube around the conflicts between gender identity and sex, most famously with the late Magdalene Burns, a very prominent feminist, lesbian and YouTuber. The YouTube episode and the issue with Everyday Feminism from 2017 are still publicly available.
Kirralee Smith has now become the subject of an investigation by NSW police and has been handed apprehensive violence orders (AVO) in relation to the matter.
I have reported before that the policies that ACON promote in sport and workplaces are not necessarily in line with the law, with the health and wellbeing of Australians or with the minorities they are supposed to represent. There is ongoing concern that the advice provided to sporting bodies on trans inclusion in sport may not just be dangerous but unlawful.
ACON’s Australian Workplace Equality Index is largely based on the UK Stonewalls Diversity Champions Scheme that was accused of giving unlawful advice in a number of matters that caused organisations to withdraw from the scheme. The key issue is the disregard for the rights of women and same sex attracted people in the workplace.
Last week, I listened to preliminary matters in the Roxanne Tickle Vs Giggle for Girls Ltd case in the Federal Court of Australia, where Justice Bromwich made it very clear that it is in no way self-evident that gender identity automatically takes precedent over sex in law in Australia.
Bromwich re-iterated strongly that he had not predetermined any idea if either case was correct, and that he would examine the arguments on merit. As the case continues, it is important to question the legality of advice given to bodies who proport to be specialists in human rights issues but are often just lobby groups.
In some ways it doesn’t matter what Albo believes in his heart about women, it is how he will manage the question, that’s all he faces, that’s all his advisers will talk to him about. Albo will not save Australian women from the gender tyranny. In the next few days, it will be made clear that the “females” that the Prime Minister was referring to were legal females.
Female is an identity category in almost all of Australia because of self ID laws. These laws have been imposed by stealth, in consultation with legal entitles that peddle unsubstantiated ideologies not capable of standing up to scrutiny. Such ideologies can only stand if they are shielded by the censorship that is ramping up in Australia to draconian levels.
Keep writing, keep complaining be difficult women, be difficult men.
Hi Edie, I was one of the thousands of complainants to Football Australia and I have just posted the whole of the Reduxx article that is being suppressed in Australia on my Instagram. @thisneverhappensinsport
3 months after Alex Antic asked for a definition from Chief Medical officer, Brendan Murphy, a 60 word reply followed. My interpretation was the definition depended on circumstance. In sport, the only definition for fairness and safety of women is adult human female.
Shoot them down one 'circumstance' at a time. If I get hauled before the iStar chamber and end up in the gulag, it will be in the best of company.