What is Sex?
As Sall Grover prepares to do battle tomorrow when the Tickle V Giggle drama continues, I want to remind you what sex is becoming under activist politicians like Queensland Attorney General Shannon Fentiman.
The Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 2022 is due to pass as soon as it lands in the House. With the House to themselves, the Palaszczuk government have imposed Gender Identity ideology on the registry of births deaths and marriages and changed this arm of government from a registry of human sex to a definer of human sex.
The bill does not define sex but it reinvents sex of birth certificates in Queensland to “sex descriptors.” If you want to know what that is, you can go the explanatory notes of the bill. Here is the explanation of “sex descriptors” in full. Please read it all.
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 2022
Explanatory Notes
Sex descriptors
The Bill allows a person to register a sex descriptor of male, female or any other descriptor of a sex. Some of the more common descriptors which may be nominated include agender, genderqueer and non-binary. However, the registrar will be required to refuse the application if the descriptor is a prohibited sex descriptor.
Schedule 2 defines this to be a sex descriptor: that is absurd, obscene or offensive; that could not practically be established by repute or usage (e.g., because it is too long or includes symbols without phonetic significance or for some other reason); or that is contrary to the public interest.
Obscene or offensive sex descriptors may include swear words or descriptions of lewd or sexual acts or ones that might be likely to insult, humiliate, offend or intimidate a person or group on the basis of a particular characteristic.
As part of implementation, it is proposed the registrar will engage with LGBTIQA+ stakeholders to inform an awareness of sex descriptors. The registrar may also consider other factors in making a determination including perceptions of the sex descriptor in the trans and gender diverse community (noting that community perceptions change over time) as well as relevant rights under the Human Rights Act 2019 (including a person’s right to equality).
Sex descriptors are now defined by the government with the help of LGBTIQA+ stakeholders. All “stakeholders” the Queensland Government have previously referred to are those who it choses and funds itself. The Government funds people to develop gender identities to replace the demands of the bodily needs of women.
Government funding is the water that grows the ideology that is erasing women’s rights nonsense. Unsubstantiated nonsense of Queer theory has now provided the rationale to hand sex over to the state to define. Almost as if this is the intention of it?
Definitions of sex provide the boundaries for the spaces that Queensland women and children use every day. Resist in every way you can, make these policies impossible to implement, make life difficult for the schools and community organisations that try to implement them, we need numbers.
Also support Sall Grover in her constitutional challenge
Cheers Edie
Utterly chilling indeed.
The TRAs and Be Kinder brigades are naiive enough to believe the government's definition of "stakeholders" is fixed and not fluid. Oh, the irony
Edie: What is sex?"
Good question. Sadly, too many so-called biologists and philosophers don't know their arses from a hole in the ground on that question and tend to add more heat than light to the debate -- bit of a clown show in fact:
Edie: "... Queensland Attorney General Shannon Fentiman ..."
Hard not to conclude that Fentiman and ilk are engaging in Lysenkoism, ie, the "deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically or socially desirable":
Lotta that goin' round these days:
Unfortunately, or not, it's not just the TRA tribe who are engaged in that "deliberate distortion" since it seems most women and most feminists find the standard biological definitions for the sexes as "unpalatable" as do most transwomen. A pox on both their houses.
Some elaborations on the themes: