Thank you, Edie. This was so needing to be said.

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Yours is one of the best descriptions of what happened on X. I am of an opinion that that outrage machine should not be used for the sake of sanity. But... oh, the "livelihoods" of feminist influencers, and oh, the "public square"! Nah, it's advertising in capitalism war machine.

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One striking thing which friends have remarked on occurring frequently with men appearing as women - “dressing like women” - often, perhaps exclusively, dress like a 70’s street hooker. The man referenced in the genspect article is prima facie “street hooker” style, though the cocktail dress look is perhaps more Vegas Lounge. That’s the tell - nothing to do about “being a woman”, it’s about imitating a particular kind of woman. Why the conference didn’t ask him to dress more appropriately, I’ll never know. Perhaps in another conference they can deal with a gender which is devoted to assless chaps and jockstraps, or gogo dancing.

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As a trans widow I’ve been subjected to the malignant narcissism of Stella OMalley and her grotesquely incompetent money driven agenda. The hostile environment she’s created against trans widows has had a long standing ripple effect of consequences.

Stella is one of the professional carpet baggers who created parasitic NGOs as a cash cow to capture the funding that is directed towards all things “trans”. By simply creating nonsensical non scientific benchmarks, that essentially highlights her as a trans activist with an age limit.

Stella OMalley is a sadistic malignant narcissist that missed her calling as a workhouse nun. The level of gleeful sadism in which she further gaslights a wife of a notorious AGP wasn’t enough evidence for the other professional misery locusts who have used victims to profit monetarily and preserve their own reputations with the Trans Industrial Complex corporate community.

Graham Linehan and Arty Morty referenced her incompetence to justify their own narcissistic abuse against trans widows.

Narcissists don’t see or recognize narcissistic abuse. It’s just normal to them. Stella’s sadism should preclude her from accessing victims to feed off of. Predators seek positions of power to access sources of supply.

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