I have been promising to be better with this platform because I think it’s a great platform. I need to treat this like a job and put a reminder in my calendar to put regular posts. If I’m ever going to give up my weekend shifts at a restaurant I may soon need to try to make a dollar out of my writing. Before I do that, I want to find my place and be able to provide subscribers with a good product, something that is informative and entertaining.
This week I published something in The Spectator that I have been working on for a while.
Since arriving in the gender critical world I have had people remark on my friendships with gay men. I have received criticism that the friendships are strategic on my part or that I am distancing myself from radical feminism.
The truth is in the gender critical world, the gay guys seem to lean more to the centre politically, some of them are even Tories (gasp). I am not particularly right leaning and I have sympathies to the working class left, but I don’t just want to talk about feminism, even if feminism is something I will defend till my dying breath. I am interested in a way forward and finding a broad alliance against institutional capture and the harm it is causing.
This week we had a venue in Brisbane cancel an event I was booked to speak at because of pressure from trans activists. The meeting planned for today at Royal on the Park had five women speakers, including myself, discussing feminism and the problems with the proposed “self ID” laws the Queensland Government are planning to bring in.
The meeting organiser, IWD Meanjin Brisbane, strongly opposes the proposed changes to Queensland’s Births, Deaths and Marriage legislation in order to allow any man to change his sex marker to female on his birth certificate and have legal and protected access to all female change rooms, bathrooms, prisons, hospital wards and all the support and protective infrastructure for women in Queensland.
I will be releasing a video about the issue tonight or tomorrow including some of what I was to talk about at the meeting. Initially we were criticised by the “queer” press for holding our meeting in a Hotel owned by The Sultan of Brunei. I am one of the women Richard Bakker calls a “bitch” in this photo. The article is written by Destiny Rogers, and I may have something to say there as well.
The meeting has gone ahead in a secret location. Women will speak, we will not be silenced and we will hold the Queensland Government and the sultan accountable for the suppression of women’s speech. There is very little space between the sultan here and the writer of the article in the way they see female people. This is all misogyny.
Anyway I will send another post when I get the video edited.
The older I get and the longer I’m in this fight the less ‘pure’ I get, the less I care, and the more I make friends and acquaintances with people I wouldn’t have before.