Of all the corrupt and unaccountable legislation proposed over the last few years, the proposed equality bill by Alex Greenwich takes the cake. Equality Australia has claimed that it did a “rigorous audit” in preparation for the Bill where they found over 500 laws that “disadvantaged or discriminated against the LGBTIQA+ community”.
They have said that the bill “would make NSW a better place for us, from recognising rainbow families, protecting us from discrimination at school and in the workplace and securing government IDs that reflect who we are”. This is bullshit obviously, and the bill proposes is a dystopian landscape for women, especially young vulnerable women.
One of the many parts of NSW legislation that the progressive elites have trawled over and found wanting are passages in the Summary Offenses Act 1988.
The Greenwich bill proposes to remove “offences related to prostitution from the Summary Offences Act 1988.”
Here are two of the offenses that Greenwich and his upper class LGBTIQA+ activists claim disadvantaged their “community”
Greenwich claims that the offense that includes “living off the earnings of sex work with adults living with a sex worker who don’t have other sufficient lawful means of support specified.” could incriminate a partner, adult child or housemate of a someone living with a prostitute.
1988 was 36 years ago and Greenwich does not provide one example of this law criminalising the innocent in this manner, or even how such people have anything to do with gay and lesbian people who are generally not prostitutes or disproportionately dependent on the income of prostitution. I would have once thought that the suggestion would be offensive.
The next law that Greenwich wants removed from the Summary Offenses Act 1988 is section 15A, that criminalises inducing a person into prostitution. People at highest risk of being coerced into prostitution are obviously young women and among young women, poor and intellectually and physically disabled women and girls. This law is clearly meant to protect vulnerable women.
Mr Greenwich claims the “offence creates complications and risks for, sex worker businesses in recruitment, sex workers talking about their work with friends, and support services helping a person just starting sex work.”
Again, does anyone in the Equity machine provide any evidence that anyone has ever been prosecuted in the last 36 years for talking about their prostitution work with friends? No, obviously, its a complete fiction.
It couldn’t be more transparent that Mr Greenwich and the entire LGBTIQA+ activists infrastructure in this country is being paid by the taxpayer for an anti-woman illiberal capitalist agender.
The NSW government are asking for feedback on the Equality Bill please OPPOSE every change they propose.
Edie x
Shame on Greenwich and his dangerous band of misogynists! Opposed and shared - thank you, Edie XX
Done. NO is a full sentence!